

Student F

Student F

(Teacher Submitted) I am a 15 year old in 7th grade with ADHD. My mom is in prison for dealing drugs (I have not seen her in 7 years)and my dad is mentally unstable and homeless. My 19 year old sister has custody of me and has a newborn baby with her boyfriend. I go...
Student F

Student E

I’m 15 in the 6th grade. The kids always pick on me calling me “repeat.” This makes me angry because I thought my classmates are the same age as me. I gave up at school because I’m behind everyone else. When a teacher asks me a question, my...
Call to Action

Call to Action

It’s May 24, 2019. Two weeks since I wrote my piece why I was quitting teaching. Nothing has been addressed, not even after my article went viral. Not one word from the District. I asked for help privately since September 2018 regarding the conditions of our school....
Student F

Student D

My dad is locked up, my older brother is locked up, and my cousin is locked up. I might as well be locked up too. All my teachers be tripping on me. When I tell them I don’t understand something, they just give me another worksheet. I know my teachers are tired...
Student F

Student C

My teacher asked me to stay behind and I was nervous. Turns out that my teacher noticed my scars on my wrists. I’ve been trying to hide them just like the pain I feel. Every day I go to school, I get bullied. These kids call me a queer and weird. I don’t know what I...