

Student K

Student K

I don’t feel safe at home. If I say something, I know that I’ll be taken away and my sibling will be split up. My mom would never forgive me but I hate it here. I’m tired of hearing door slams, daily cuss outs, and my mother telling me that I’m not good enough. It’s...
Student K

Student J

Last night was a rough one for me. I found out my parents didn’t have enough money to pay the rent and the landlord kicked us out of our trailer. That man threw out our belongings and we didn’t have much left behind.   We went to our Auntie’s house...
Student K

Student I

I’m currently enrolled in some honors classes and I feel like I don’t belong. In my honors classes, I’ve counted a total of 8 kids that look like me. Since I’m taking honors classes, some of my other classmates call me names like Oreo....
Student K

Student G

I have holes underneath my shoes. When it is raining, my socks would get extremely wet. I don’t complain about my shoes to my mom because she is battling a few things. I have to be strong for my mom because I’m the man of my house. But I’m tired...
Student K

Student F

(Teacher Submitted) I am a 15 year old in 7th grade with ADHD. My mom is in prison for dealing drugs (I have not seen her in 7 years)and my dad is mentally unstable and homeless. My 19 year old sister has custody of me and has a newborn baby with her boyfriend. I go...
Student K

Student D

My dad is locked up, my older brother is locked up, and my cousin is locked up. I might as well be locked up too. All my teachers be tripping on me. When I tell them I don’t understand something, they just give me another worksheet. I know my teachers are tired...