(Teacher Submitted)
I’ve been vested in my district and still do not have job security. I spoke out regarding a cheating scandal that happened on my campus that only resulted in bullying and intimidation. I thought that I was doing the right thing by speaking up and saying something about it. It turned out to be a secret plan all along that I had no knowledge of. Some of the staff turned on me after said that this is wrong. Why would they do that? What about our kids? I really thought I did the right thing.
I felt the pressure walking on campus. The teachers are whispering, my administration is doing more visits in my room, and what I thought was a good move turned bad. FAST!
Testing time inconveniently coincides with final evaluations. I’m nervous about my final evaluation because it impacts my bonus. I count on this money every year to take a vacation with my husband and kids.
I’m sitting in the office and looking at the letters go down the page. P, A, P, P, P, A… instantly I was furious. I’ve never received an evaluation this bad with my 9-year history in the district. I cried in my classroom because I felt so defeated. I didn’t choose this school to deal with this. When we talk about change, we also to share these deep secrets these schools have. Many of us have been bullied for silence just to maintain our job. We continue over and over again not doing right for the benefit of our kids.
Thank you for allowing to share my story anonymously!
- Student K - May 18, 2020
- Teacher F - January 6, 2020
- My Thoughts Regarding Lost Cemetery Buried Under King High School. - October 28, 2019
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